Kate Middleton’s Nose In High Demand With Plastic Surgeons

The time has come for Christy Turlington, the long-reigning title holder for Noses; Most Replicated, to pass the baton to another nose of note. According to (admittedly, dubious) reports from the US, Kate Middleton‘s has become the Most Requested Nose among plastic surgery patients in New York City.

Nasally-dissatisfied American women are flocking to cosmetic surgeons with requests for the “cute, little perky nose” of the Duchess of Cambridge – a natural-looking schnoz that is alluring for its “regal, refined and strong” characteristics. Apparently women “certainly don’t want the scooped out, over-affected, upturned, pinched nose of a pop star that you see in Seventeen magazine,” so says upper East Side facial surgeon Dr. Thomas Romo.

So there you have it: when it comes to rhinoplasty remember natural is in and the pinched pop star look is out. And, let’s face it, it’s time for the “Christy” to go into temporary retirement. God knows (titter) her nose is heavenly, but I liked it better when it was still underground.

The original:

The homages: