Jamie Dornan Returned To Insta After 4 Years, But This Isn’t The Shirtless Pic We Expected

jamie dornan

50 Shades of Grey star Jamie Dornan has made a triumphant return to Instagram after almost four years and can somebody please check if he’s okay?

IRL Mr Grey surprised his millions of Instagram followers with a sneaky insight into his self-isolation life and hoo boy, I am at a loss for words.

“Self isolation made me do it,” Jamie captioned the Instagram post.


On account of the fact that he’s easily one of the sexiest men on the planet, the post quickly racked up nearly 200,000 likes.

Dornan gave precisely zero context in the post, leaving us all wondering why the absolute fuck he is covered in what I can only assume is blue paint. Is this what parenthood is like? Because if so, this is a deal breaker.

If you’ve been wondering why Mr Grey has been out of office (on Instagram, at least) for the last four years, it’s because he’s been busy raising three kids with his equally-gorgeous wife Amelia Warner.

He’s no longer taking his clothes off in movies for us all to froth over, but if we’re lucky we might cop a few more shirtless photos of Jamie covered in paint.