Hugh Jackman Hosts WWE Bout

Hugh Jackman has taken his muscles to the next level after hosting a WWE Raw Supershow.

The Wolverine star, who apparently has been a fan of wrestling for most of his natural life, took over the reigns of the popular program in Cleveland last night, where he engaged in some tough-talk with reigning champ Dolph Ziggler. Unfortunately they didn’t hit each other, but then nobody ever really does in these things anyway. Dolph had some classic challenges for People’s Sexiest Man Alive, including “I didn’t come on the set of Batman and interrupt you when you were berating some sound guy [we’re pretty sure that was Christian Bale, by the by] or yelling at some PA because your latte was too hot, too cold or too foamy so I don’t appreciate you interrupting my time.”

Still, easily the best part was when he pumped his chest and said to Jackman (with regards to his new film Real Steel) “But you know what? That was a movie. And this right here is as real as it gets…”

Please excuse us, we just had a massive laughing fit.