Hamish Blake Is Amusing Himself By Randomly Dropping In On People’s Zoom Meetings

With those of us fortunate enough to still be gainfully employed now having our working days dominated by seemingly endless Zoom meetings, you’d be forgiven for zoning out every once in a while and not noticing small little differences. Like, for example, Hamish Blake dropping in out of nowhere.

Blake has decided to spend his self-isolation time amusing himself by dropping in on random group Zoom calls, placing an open call for invites to them on Instagram this afternoon.

Kicking things off, Blake dropped in on a UniSA law tutorial with a few choice questions for the class, like “when’s the exam?” or “maybe everyone should just get Bs.”

Wildly enough, old mate will be spending the better part of next week fanging in and out of various other Zoom meetings, and if you want one of those meetings to be yours, you can slide into his DMs with a time and a meeting ID. If everything lines up nicely, you could be copping a surprise bit of Hamish in gallery mode at some point next week.

Honestly, having old mate pop in out of nowhere is probably gonna be much better than having Michelle run another goddamned ice breaker game or whatever.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna forward him the link to my drunken trash talk Mario Kart Zoom meeting. Red shell me after that happens, assholes.