Everyone’s Fucking With The ‘Gossip Girl’ Title & The Results Are Simply Iconic

In case you needed any more reason to love the internet, give me the mic for a hot second: Twitter has begun shitposting various iterations of the iconic Gossip Girl title, subsequently creating imagined exchanges between Serena and Blair. The result is an abundance of edited images that truly belong in a museum.

The meme initially began with users by jumbling the show’s letters and turning them into Gossip Girl anagrams, but now, at this point, it’s turned into a free-for all.

Behold some of the most iconic memes to come out of this Gossip Girl resurgence, from circumferences and cats to Peppa Pig and plantations (yep, *that* notorious Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds wedding).






I’ve decided that my post-iso energy is Blair Waldorf, hand on hip, saying ‘girl’ to whoever asks me a question. Such an unequivocally versatile and timeless response. Profound, even. Packs a punch.

While it’s simply beyond me to choose a favourite – they’re all my children – the plantation and ‘go piss girl’ ones genuinely left me howling. Oh, and the cat one. And Peppa Pig. Fuck – okay, I genuinely love them all.

XOXO, Gopiss Girl.