Enrique Iglesias Bravely Offers Own Hand To Bloodthirsty Drone As Sacrifice

He might normally be able to kiss away the pain, but something tells us a couple of Panadeine Forte tabs wouldn’t have gone astray in this instance.

World renowned thruster of hips, Enrique Iglesias suddenly found himself with a restless crowd in Mexico over the weekend, surprisingly unsatisfied with the passion inspired within by his mesmeric love ballads.
Choosing not to placate the crowd and instead to whip them into some sort of Satanic sexual frenzy, Iglesias heeded the baying demands of the crowd – who, prone and enfeebled with rage, were speaking their hearts.
And as the red rain of life pelted down upon the heads of the hoard of demons, peace was restored to the world once again – for the sacrifice of one had spared the lives of many.
The reality of the situation is that Iglesias often has a drone flying about his concerts with a camera attached to give the arenas an aerial view of the crowd. Often, he’ll grab the drone to give people an Iglesias POV shot of proceedings.
On this particular occasion, however, *something* happened when he grabbed the drone, and instead of giving people a cool shot to gawk at, it cut the absolute shit out of his hand instead.
The blood. There was buckets of it.

Despite resembling something more like the elevator scene from The Shining, Iglesias gamely carried on with the show after strapping his hand up – the bandages quickly becoming a crimson mess.
Thankfully all the blood he keeps in his crotch in reserve was enough to fuel him through the rest of the gig.
That, friends, is a true professional right there.
Photo: Rodrigo Varela via Getty Images.