Donald Trump Blocks Chrissy Teigen On Twitter After 9 Long Years Of Snark

It’s only taken her nine years and an unknown amount of snide comments and tweets, but Chrissy Teigen has strengthened her Online Brand by being blocked on Twitter by President Donald Trump.

What was the straw that broke the camel’s back? This little tweet from Chrissy three days ago:

Who knew that all it takes to be blocked by one of the most powerful political figures in the world is to just tell him that nobody likes him.
The Twitter community is taking the opportunity to have a good laugh at Donnie over this, because oh dear what a poor little cherub, doesn’t like being told that people don’t like him boo hoo.

Others that have been blocked by Trump have welcomed Chrissy into the Blocked By Trump Club with open arms, sharing their stories of why they were blocked by POTUS.

I now give it a solid week before I get that big bad block for writing this. Don, my handle is @courtwhip
Photo: Jason Merritt / Getty.