Crazy Face Morpher

The computer science faculty at St. Andrews University must subscribe to the United Colours of Benetton world view, either that or they’ve been watching way too many Michael Jackson film clips. Whatever the catalyst, thank God for the endless hours of pointless fun they’ve given us such as seeing what you would look like as a different gender, race or age (prepare to be mortified)…

To show you the quirky and just plain freaky power of this program I duped my lovely girlfriend into being a “test subject”. Here is what she looks like normally…

She’s Eurasian so I wanted to see what she would look like fully Asian…

And fully Caucasian (or was that serial killer?)…

Her as M.I.A’s twin sister…

Homegirl Nicola…

And finally male Nicola (this one looks remarkably like our editor/animation whiz Shane).

If only this technology had been around when MJ was a kid he could have seen his future self simply by transforming to Caucasian, older and female… Get transforming…