A Hollywood Publicist Has Spilled About Fake Celeb Relationships He’s Set Up

Contributor: PEDESTRIAN.TV

Hollywood publicist Jack Ketsoyan has spilled major tea on those fake celebrity relationship rumours that circulate about La-La-Land.

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Basically, there’s always been speculation that loads of Hollywood relationships among major celebrities have been faked, used to promote either the stars themselves or a new film / album / whatever. Turns out, it’s totally true.

Ketsoyan spoke to Mamamia on their podcast The Quicky, explaining he himself has forged a few of these fake celebrity relos.

‘It’s to be able to sell the hype of it – whether [it’s] a concert, album… or getting people to go to see the movie, it all about the hype at the moment. With the social media world… nobody is reading magazines as they used to, things spread like wildfire. Hollywood is a very small town and people talk.’

Ketsoyan used to work for PMK-BNC agency in LA, and said he’s set up two fake relationships – one which gave a female celebrity a “career boost”, leading to her becoming a “household name“. Cue us speculating like crazy, amirite?

He also said the terms usually involve the couple signing a “love contract” which binds them legally to fake-date for a year at least, and that while in the past he had seen these fake relationships set up to hide the fact a popular celebrity was gay, these days the reasons are often just for hype.

One celebrity Ketsoyan forged a fake relationship for was, he says, to “[take attention] away from’ his latest film flop.

We all knew this shit was going on, obviously, but goddamn it’s SO spicy when the insiders actually spill tea for real, don’t you reckon?