Catherine McNeil and Ruby Rose Go Public?

Earlier this year Ruby Rose the MTV VJ, sometime DJ and Australia’s most famous Gen Y lesbian set tongues wagging when she shared a kiss with Catherine McNeil an Aussie model previously linked to Danish clotheshorse Freja Beha Erichsen.

But now, as The Daily Telegraph reports Rose and McNeil have gone public with their relationship:“Local supermodel Catherine McNeil and TV host Ruby Rose have finally gone public with their affections. After months of speculation, the high-profile pair were photographed relaxing hand-in-hand and locking lips as they shared a moment at popular Oxford St pub The Beauchamp Hotel last week.”

Now kissing or “sharing a moment” doesn’t automatically equate to dating. Last week I kissed a dog and “shared a moment” with my Dry Cleaning guy – but that doesn’t mean I want to wine and dine either of them. That’s just silly, plus dogs can’t eat at restaurants. In the case of McNeil and Rose however, it could be as innocuous as mates hanging out at the pub, having a drink, sharing a laugh…holding hands…and kissing. Just like you and your mates.

Title Image by Caroline McCredie via Getty