Cass Reveals She’s All Loved Up With A New Bloke After Her ‘Paradise’ Exit


Pure angel Cass just had a bloody night on Bachelor In Paradise. In short, she got screwed over again and punters fired up the ol’ Twitter to scream ‘CASS DESERVES BETTER’ into the void… like they did, sometime last year post-Honey Badger. But none of this matters now because Cass is in love.

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After choosing to leave Paradise tonight, Cass revealed she’s met the one. 

“The end of paradise,” she captioned a picture of her and Richie. “But the beginning of the rest of my life,” she captioned a separate post. “Ok… Yes it may seem like Bachelor in Paradise was a little like déjà vu for me, but the intensity of both those experiences and any pain I felt is all worth it since having this guy walk back into my life at the most perfect time. And yes I say ‘back’ into my life, as we met back in 2017, I can gladly say I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. And I’m so grateful for all of you for being so supportive and protective of me. My heart is so full.

“And Oi guys guess what… the ‘dream journal’ was right, I wanted to meet my soul mate when I was 23… and guess what I met him at 23.”

In the longer version of tonight’s Paradise events, Richie just upped and left the show because he was afraid of hurting Cass. He lives in Perth and she lives in Sydney – he’s done long-distance before with Alex and that went to shits so he doesn’t want a repeat. The bloke’s afraid of commitment, there’s not much else to say about it. But before Richie made this decision, he and Cass spent quite a lot of down time together. Earlier in the episode, the duo were being all cute and shit. They talked about what type of farm animals they like and want in the future and seemed to be getting on just fine. So you can imagine just how confused and hurt Cass, Cass – who dares to dream – felt after Richie told her he just couldn’t do Paradise anymore.

Cass genuinely liked Richie and when she realised there was absolutely no other reason to stay on the show, she decided to exit Paradise as well. And that’s that.

Bachie fans were unimpressed because a) they saw what happened to Cass on Honey Badger’s season of The Bachelor b) wow, Richie and c) Cass deserves better.
