Britney Spears Got A Gift From *Actual* NASA & I’m Fully Convinced It’s A Fucking Alien

britney spears NASA

Britney Spears’ iconic album Oops!… I Did It Again turned 20 this weekend, and to mark this momentous occasion, it looks like she received an anniversary gift from NASA. Yes, *that* NASA. If you needed more proof that it’s Britney Spears’ world and we’re just living in it, here you go.

Britney’s second studio album Oops!… I Did It Again was released on May 16, 2000, when the world was a much, much simpler place. It debuted at the top of the Billboard 200 charts and sold a whopping 1,319,000 copies in the first week alone, breaking the record for the highest debut-week sales by any female artist in history, which is no small feat.

But what do you get a music icon like Britney Spears for her 20th anniversary? Well, I reckon NASA gave her a fucking alien, which is truly what she deserves.

Brit, who frankly deserves to have a planet named in her honour, took to Twitter on Sunday morning to reminisce and thank fans for sticking with and growing with her.

She also used the platform to thank *checks notes* NASA for her gift, noting that it has been 20 years since they first met on Mars. Can you believe that our lord and saviour, pop icon Britney Spears *actually* went to Mars? I mean, talk about an impressive resume.

For starters, what on Earth (or… Mars) would NASA be giving Britney Spears as a gift? Why has she not shared photos? Did they give her an alien? I really think they gave her an alien.

If the Oops!… I Did It Again film clip is canon, Britney already has the Heart of the Ocean necklace (from the Titanic), and she’s gone on a trip to Mars. So the only suitable gift NASA could give her is a living, breathing alien. It truly is what she deserve.

In what can only be described as the best Twitter friendship of all time, NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover promptly replied to Spears’ tweet.

She also copped a retweet from the actual NASA account, who expertly quoted her hit track Oops… I Did It Again.

I know Britney Spears and NASA being Twitter besties is absolutely wild, but it’s not exactly a new friendship. Back in 2012, Brit asked if Mars looks the same as it did in 2000, to which the Mars Rover replied with a fucking winky face.

Sure, you and I can’t give Britney the gift she deserves (an alien), but I think we should all mark this important moment in history by learning the dance to Oops!… I Did It Again. Go on, do it.