Bridesmaids Sequel Will Proceed Without Kristen Wiig

American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile is celluloid-imprinted evidence that movie studios believe any film with a pie-related title and the presence of Eugene Levy is one worth making. But the audience? We’re smarter than that! We know a cheapened franchise about the sexploits of Stifler’s brother is not worth our time – irrespective of how much we enjoyed the original slice of Pie.

One of the most beloved comedies of 2011 Bridesmaids might be headed in the direction of the cash-grabbing franchise flogging that we’ve seen movies like Look Who’s Talking and Alien sadly fall victim to.

Apparently Universal the film studio behind Bridesmaids are prepared to make a sequel to the movie with or without the participation of its co-writer and star Kristen Wiig. Wiig has confirmed that she and fellow scribe Annie Mumolo are not planning a sequel.

The Hollywood Reporter writes Universal sources say the studio is willing to pursue another Bridesmaids without Wiig. “We are over the moon with the success of Bridesmaids, and if we do a sequel we want to get it right,” a Universal rep tells THR. “We are talking to filmmakers now about concepts, and if the right one emerges, we’ll move forward.”

The future is grim…