Breaking Bad Final Eight Episodes Kick Off August 11

Lock it in: August 11th will kick off the first of the final eight episodes of AMC’s superlative meth drama that’s caused us as much bowel-twisting anxiety as it has the appreciative joy of watching scriptwriting genius come to life. What in the name of Gale Boetticher could Breaking Bad creator, Vince Gilligan, have in store for our hero-turned-Heisenberg Hitler, Walter White, in the second half of season five? Walt’s evolution from desperate terminal cancer patient to trigger happy methylamine whore has been endlessly fascinating if uncomfortable viewing, so the prospect of his journey ending – to what end, we can’t even imagine – is a source of catharsis and sadness.

Based on where we left off – no spoilers – you’d have to think shit’s about to get pretty fucking volatile for our “other favorite W.W.” – or should I say, Heisenberg?

Heisenberg. You’re Goddamn Right.

Via Rolling Stone