Netflix Drops 1st Trailer For A ‘Black Mirror’ S4 Ep & The Future Is Bleak

Netflix has released the first trailer for an episode in Black Mirror‘s fourth season, and the future is looking extremely bleak.

Arkangel‘, the Jodie Foster-directed episode, doesn’t look like it’s using some wild, insanely futuristic technology that some Black Mirror episodes do (looking at you, ‘San Junipero‘ and ‘White Christmas‘). It looks like something that could very well be realised in the next decade or two, making it all that more confronting.

Rosemarie DeWhitt plays a mother who loses her kid for a nanosecond at the park one day, sending her down a spiralling path of paranoia where everything represents danger. The solution? A creepy lab, a needle in the child’s brain, and a sterile take on child safety that assures you: “The key to good parenting is control.”

“This one’s like an indie movie set in blue-collar America, even though we filmed it in Canada,” said show producer Annabel Jones earlier this year. “It follows a mother who has a young daughter and faces that perennial question of how to look after a child in an increasingly technical world; it taps into helicopter parenting… 

“I always hope that whatever we tackle, it’s never on the nose and just more in the background but this episode asks how do you be a responsible mother in a world in which you can be all-powerful and omnipresent? How do you exercise responsibility? How do you ensure you give your child independence in a world in which you can have a lot of control?”

Black Mirror season four still doesn’t have a release date, but with the amping up of teasers, we’d put money on it being ‘soon’.