‘Big Brother’ Fans Are 100% Over The Bro Culture In The House After Tonight’s Episode

Contributor: PEDESTRIAN.TV

Although fan favourite Angie went last night, the Big Brother show must sadly go on… which leads us to tonight’s episode. For the TL;DR version, Dan received a virtual visit from his estranged girlfriend, a Mexican fiesta was had, Dan and Xavier won a domino challenge, Sophie and Chad attempted to squeeze a couple tears out, and Hannah eventually got the boot. (You can check out the full episode recap here.)

Phew, glad we got that out of the way. Now let’s move on to the arguable highlight of any reality show – Twitter’s reactions.

Judging by the huge outpouring of love for Ang yesterday and today, it’s clear that she’s left a huge tea-shaped hole in the house. I reckon tonight’s Big Brother viewers were 2% focused on the show and 98% rightfully mourning her loss. That’s if they’re even watching anymore.


Given that most BIPOC housemates were ousted at the beginning of the season, the house just looks so… damn… white. (*Ahem, Australian casting directors*)

The internet then made it pretty clear how they felt about Dan…



…which leads us to our main topic for this evening – the unbearable stench that is toxic masculinity permeating throughout the house. The bro culture that Ange tried to warn everyone about is well and truly here, with players like Xavier and Dan thinking they’re calling the shots for Casey, and the boys attempting to get rid of the girls who threaten their dominance.

Yuck, yuck, yuck. I can smell the Lynx Chocolate from here. Anyone have Britney Spears‘ ‘Fantasy’ fragrance? We need to balance this shit out.

See you next time, pals (that’s if you decide to come back to an Angie-less house).