Beware The “Dislike” Button Facebook Scam

In the wake of last week’s confounding large-scale Nicole Santos Facebook hack word has spread of a new scam that’s quickly moving across the social network site. The latest is a message that pops up on users Facebook Walls imploring them to “Enable Dislike Button”.

If you are a facebook user, at some point during your [insert verb for: ‘doing stuff on facebook’] it may have crossed your mind that a ‘Dislike’ button could be a beneficial addition to the facebook template. Perhaps it could sit next to the alarmingly influential “Like” button so that when something appears in your feed that you do not like, you can still contribute to Facebook’s social dialogue and represent your personal brand.

But, be that as it may, if you get a message offering to enable “Dislike” on your account DO NOT CLICK ON IT. Like the Santos Affliction, upon enabling the fake “Dislike” button you’ll be given instructions to copy and paste JavaScript in your browser which subsequently spams the same fake offer to everyone on your friends. Then where’s your personal brand at?


Main image via Well Sphere