Beijing’s Olympic Song Is A ‘Frozen’ Ripoff, Internet Responds With Mash-Up

Just when you thought you couldn’t listen to ONE MORE rendition of Frozen‘s break-out song ‘Let It Go‘ without losing your fucking nut, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games releases their official theme song and whaddya know, the intro sounds remarkably similar.

At a stretch, you could call ‘The Snow and Ice Dance’ ‘inspired by’. At not a stretch, you could call it a complete and utter ripoff. In a YouTube comments section, you could argue both. People did. Just don’t go there, okay?

The similarities between the two are so remarkable, in fact, that a Chinese business magazine analysed both songs and found they had similar prelude chords, a similar eight-beat introduction, and an almost 100% identical tempo.

This is the Beijing 2022 theme song:

And this is Frozen: 

And this is the two mashed together. THANKS, INTERNET: 

Look, it MIGHT not be a coincidence. It MIGHT be a calculated attempt to appeal to the Nordic god of winter, Höðr, to get some damn snow into the very snow-less Winter Olympics host country.


via NY Times