‘Baywatch’ Movie Imminent As Director Is Named

Baywatch is back, baby! Well, it will be now that Paramount has secured Reno 911! co-creator Robert Ben Garant to steer the ship of the imminent Baywatch remake.

Due to the inherent complexities of its original storyline, the announcement of the reboot has taken some time, with the film facing some scriptwriting problems. Initially intended to be an action film, the beloved premise was then reworked as a broad-comedy by Jeremy Garelick (The Break-Up), before being shuffled around by Peter Tolan (Rescue Me), who replaced Garelick when he resigned – presumably confused, battered and exhausted.

Whether Garant will rewrite the script remains unconfirmed, but according to reports from Vulture, his involvement as director alone is set to “do for Baywatch what Reno 911! did for COPS.

Regardless of the ongoing clash between opinion and male fantasies, and (according to Slash Film) how little the current rewrite resembles the original series that we came to know and love, I think it’s still safe to say that any flick involving red spandex, sculpted torsos and out-of-this-world legs is going to be a hit either way.

Words by Jacqui Lennon