Australia’s Given Up On ‘Bachie’ & Instead We’re All Just Thirsting Over Todd

If you have been watching The Bachelorette all season like we have, you probably noticed the existence of 26-year-old Todd King. He turned up as a knight in shining armour and then was largely ignored until last week, when he went on a date that was obviously designed for Rob instead.

He didn’t mind! He loved it anyway!

Now the thing about Todd is that he is incredibly handsome. That seems to be his defining characteristic on this season. We could dive into the weird rivalries between the dudes, or into Taite screaming ‘I CANNOT COMMIT/LOVE’, or into Ali being kinda as needy as any of the Bachelors are but being more heavily scrutinised for it, or into Bill blatantly lying about giving up his business to move to Adelaide, or into it being painfully obvious Daniel was going home. But instead, because we want to, we’re going to dive into the muck with the rest of you.

Handsome boi Todd didn’t get much time on tonight’s ep, which you can read all about here:

But that didn’t stop the fans, and there’s a lot of them, from lusting over this man from Perth we know almost nothing about.

We don’t even mind that he’s wearing lederhosen, an outfit that is supposed to be Bavarian but mostly conjures up drunk knobs with steins in September.

The people managed to find a link between throwing pretzels and their main perfectly formed man.

Finally, let’s just skip all the cleverness, all the Bavarian references, and fully embrace a nation’s collective thirst:

Luckily we get to keep ogling this man on telly tomorrow! See ya there!