Ashton Kutcher Cast As Steve Jobs (UPDATED)

Ashton Kutcher has reportedly been cast as Steve Jobs in an upcoming biopic about the Apple co-founder called Jobs. Despite being a terrible actor Kutcher is a fine choice based purely on the physical resemblance between the two. Both men have also been influential innovators in their fields; Jobs in branding and technology innovation, Ashton Kutcher for inventing Punk’d. On top of that Ashton Kutcher once played a flared jeans-wearing reefer aficionado in the series That 70s Show and Steve Jobs was a flared jeans-wearing reefer aficionado in real life.

Seriously though, this casting announcement, which originated from reliable entertainment news source, Variety, feels to me like an April Fool’s Day prank. Having the man who invented the “Genius Bar” be portrayed by the creator of Punk’d just doesn’t sit right…

UPDATE After quickly consulting Twitter, it appears as though this news is actually true. The author of the Variety article, Jeff Sneider, has responded to (perfectly reasonable) April Fools Day accusations by confirming that Kutcher will indeed be playing the part:

Sneider also tweeted, “From what I’ve heard, JOBS will follow Steve from co-founding Apple & getting forced out to when he comes back. Not later years.”