Alec Baldwin Unloads On TMZ Founder In Hilarious, Highly Graphic Rant

Back in the more innocent time of 2007, gossip monsters TMZ leaked Alec Baldwin‘s angry voicemail message to his daughter Ireland, and apparently, the 30 Rock star still holds a bit of a grudge about that.
The bastion of civility and refined discourse that is The New Yorker recently published a profile of TMZ founder Harvey Levin, and when they approached Baldwin for a quote, and he did not hold back. Baldwin told them:

“There was a time when my greatest wish was to stab Harvey Levin with a rusty implement and watch his entrails go running down my forearm, in some Macbethian stance. I wanted him to die in my arms, while looking into my eyes, and I wanted to say to him, ‘Oh, Harvey, you thoughtless little pig.’”
Balwdin infamously referred to his daughter as a “rude, thoughtless little pig” in a heated voicemail message, after she missed a scheduled phone call in the midst of his angry custody dispute with ex-wife Kim Basinger.
The actor’s final thoughts on Harvey Levin?

“He is a festering boil on the anus of American media.”
This is why we love Alec Baldwin.

Source: Vulture.

Photo: Julien M Hekimien / Getty.