Alec Baldwin Rage-Quits Twitter After Ugly Spat Over His Weinstein Comments

Yesterday, an interview with actor and uncannily accurate Donald Trump impersonator Alec Baldwin was broadcast by PBS Newshour, in which Baldwin shared some of his thoughts on the still-unfolding scandal surrounding Harvey Weinstein and the culture of sexual misconduct in Hollywood.

In the interview, Baldwin explained what was accepted as common knowledge in Hollywood before the scandal broke: that Weinstein had a reputation as a relentless bully who’d intrude on any production he was involved with – and that, it was rumoured, he had raped Rose McGowan.

He then said something that he really shouldn’t have: that maybe Rose McGowan did the wrong thing by taking a $100,000 settlement from Weinstein, and choosing not to prosecute the case.

You can watch the relevant segment here:

While I’m sure Baldwin was attempting to further the conversation by asking whether women who chose to stay silent and take settlements are in fact holding the wave of social change back – it’s not exactly super helpful, is it?

Several female actors have taken a seriously dim view of Baldwin’s comments, including McGowan herself, who tweeted the following:

And Asia Argento, who is another of Weinstein’s accusers, who went in much harder:

To which Baldwin responded, maturely:

Argento continued to voice her displeasure with Baldwin’s approach, saying he was mansplaining the whole thing.

Argento’s partner, celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, chimed in with this excellent insult that I will definitely be deploying at the earliest possible moment:

Aaaand the rest of it unfolded with the kind of tedious inevitability we’ve come to expect from Twitter, the worst platform to attempt to have any kind of civil discourse on.

Then he blocked both Argento and Bourdain. Nice.

Baldwin has attracted attention after the interview for his friendships with Roman Polanski and James Toback, the latter of whom has been accused of sexual misconduct by hundreds of women.

Eventually, Baldwin announced he was quitting Twitter, and committing to doing “better in all things related to gender equality“. I guess we’ll see about that.