Alec Baldwin Raps, Chance The Rapper Beatboxes, You Will Watch

There truly be, on this wondrous planet of ours, fewer things finer than a middle-aged man attempting to rap, much less one who has a theatric command of the English language; Alexander’s technique ensuring crisp, staccato syllabic separation.
And in that schadenfreudic sense, prepare for disappointment. As not only are you incapable of staying mad at Alec Baldwin for any great length of time, but you, like me, will be impressed by his poise and flow in spitting some impromptu hot fire with Chance the Rapper providing the beat.
Both among the special guests at the Louder Than A Bomb youth poetry festival in Chicago, Baldwin surprisingly showed that his flow glows like phosphorus by retro-fitting a few lines from Carl Sandburg‘s poem “Chicago” into Chance’s vocal boxing.
Thanks to the majesty of Instagram, the moment was captured for us all to enjoy, on repeat, from now until the end of time.

‘Course all that said, he still doesn’t hold a candle to Lemonem.

Nice try, Jack.