24 Rooms In One

While contemplating whether or not to renew the lease on my shoebox I stumbled across this post on the always inspiring PSFK. Maybe I shouldn’t value space so much.

When viewing architect Gary Chang’s Hong Kong dwelling in any of it’s stationary modes, it looks like an ordinary modern studio apartment. But hidden behind the surface of the current room is a whole house worth of spaces. Compressed into a mere 344 square feet, Chang’s ‘domestic transformer’ living space holds 24 possible configurations. Move a wall, pull out a table and the room’s now a kitchen – or pull out the hidden Murphy bed, and it’s a bedroom. Sliding wall units and fold down furniture come together in various formations to create a kitchen, library, laundry room, dressing room, a lounge with a hammock and an enclosed dining area and a wet bar.

Chang (who’s 46) has lived in this small space since he was 14, at one point sharing it with his parents, three younger sisters and one tenant. This kind of compressed living is common in Hong Kong, where a rapidly growing population necessitates cramped living arrangements.