Deliveroo Is Sending Rainbow Doughnuts Your Way Via A Fierce Drag Queen Tomoz

Doughnuts: GOOD. Drag queens: GOOD.

Drag queens who deliver you doughnuts and also those doughnuts are rainbow, and $$$ from the sale will go toward a Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras registered charity? WE’VE REACHED A HIGHER PLANE OF LIVING.

That’s exactly what’s going down in Sydney tomorrow c/o Deliveroo. They’re launching Roo-Paul (excellent work on the name there, m8s), a special delivery event where customers who order a ‘Something over the Rainbow’ doughnut from participating Doughnut Time stores tomorrow via Deliveroo might find it delivered to them via the excellent Sydney-based drag queen, Coco Jumbo.

The doughnuts are in celebration of Mardi Gras this weekend, and are naturally decorated with the signature rainbow colours.

The best part of this entire event is that for every dollar spent on ‘Something over the Rainbow’ doughnuts via Deliveroo that day, Deliveroo will match the value and donate it to a Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras registered charity.

The ‘Something over the Rainbow’ doughnuts will set you back $33.20 for a 4-pack, or $44.80 for a 6-pack. They’re available from Doughnut Time Newtown, Doughnut Time QVB, Doughnut Time Broadway and Doughnut Time Macquarie Centre.