WATCH: Dan Harmon Has A Theory On The Meaning Of Life & It Ain’t Too Bad

Dan Harmon, he of ‘Rick & Morty‘ and ‘Community‘ creation, is an extremely brilliant drunk asshole with an ego the size of the moon.

And in no way is any of that a bad thing.
It’s that kind of runaway narcissism and creative nous that allows him to put ‘Rick & Morty‘ together in such a stunning fashion; a show that’s as deeply philosophical as it is crude, base, and staggeringly funny.
The show regularly deals with themes of identity, place, purpose, and nihilism, so of course Harmon has a ready-made answer to the question “what is the meaning of life?” Of. Bloody. Course.
Ahead of the still undated premiere of the (rest of the) show’s long-awaited third season, Harmon spoke with the Adult Swim Facebook page and waxed lyrical about the concept of immaterialism and the daunting realisation that nothing in life ultimately matters.
But rather than fall down that particularly doomy rabbit hole, Harmon flips it around and instead suggests that because nothing matters, therefore everything matters; the love in your life, the small moments of joy and happiness, the tiny victories, everything. It’s all pointless and it means the world.

“Once you get through that terrifying threshold of accepting that [nothing matters], then every place is the centre of the universe, and every moment is the most important moment, and everything is the meaning of life.”

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die.
Come watch TV?

Source: Adult Swim/Facebook.