Treat Your M8s This Halloween & Dress As Vulvamort W/ This BDSM Mask

Take a deep breath, folks.
Really. Suck some air right into your lungs. Cause what you’re about to bare witness to is gonna leave you shook as all fuck.
American artist Melissa Coulter, a user of the online indie marketplace Etsy, is selling a hand-crafted BDSM mask.
But this is not any old BDSM mask.
This BDSM mask is in the form of a huge vagina that stretches across and covers the wearer’s entire head. 
nothing to see here folks, except my huge clitoris nose
The ‘Bdsm vagina mask silicone‘ looks to be a once-off, but could be all yours for a small fee of $643.17AUD. Coulter is clearly aware that what she has unleashed is both horrible and destructive to the fabric of us humans as a species, and thus she keeps the Item details to a bare minimum.
speaks for itself
Truly, as grotty as the mask is, there’s certainly some fine artistry to it. It’s reminiscent of a few iconic pop culture characters:
Chatterer from Hellraiser
Voldemort from Harry Potter
Zoidberg from Futurama 

Fat Bastard’s Neck in Austin Powers

Coredor from iconic Australian kids show, Plasmo
And I think that’s enough internet for today. Thank you.

Source: The LAD Bible.
Photo: Etsy.