Adam Hills and the internet respond to Joan Rivers dissing Adele

Adam Hills took to the airwaves to deliver a response to Joan Rivers’ recent Adele related material: “If you make fat jokes about Adele, you’re being a dick. And I’m referring to you Joan Rivers.”

Nobody pays much attention to Joan Rivers anymore unless she is insulting someone likeable, as soon as Adele’s name was uttered from her collagens lips with anything less than complete reverence, internet be all like:

Throughout her “bit” Letterman himself attempts to change the subject and appears to be the opposite of into it:


Joan Rivers makes a ridiculous amount of $$$ by being a dick; dick is her schtick. Adele however, is close to ideal human material, and ranks high amongst famous people you want to share beers and lols with.

Reaction has ranged from outrage, further ‘fat jokes’ at Adele’s expense to complete indifference. General feeling is that everyone would be a lot more this if Rivers actually said something that was approaching the funny spectrum. Meanwhile, Rivers is yet to make a comment
re: being “destroyed” by Adam Hills. Do not even worry about it though, world. Adele got this:

Actual legends.

Rivers on the other hand…
At the Oscars she also said of Heidi Klum that “the last time a German
looked this hot was when they were pushing Jews into the ovens.” Oddly enough The Anti-Defamation League, Holocaust survivors and other humourless idiots did not think this was cute at all.

She’s hot, yes. Is it necessary to reference attempted genocide because she happens to be German? …probs no.

After which, she said in a statement: “My husband lost the majority of his family at Auschwitz, and I can
assure you that I have always made it a point to remind people of the
Holocaust through humor.” Woah now Jewish community, guys come on, it’s okay. She’s allowed to, so there is actually no reason to be offended.

Is society, post-that-kid-body-slamming-that-other-kid, less into bullies/insult comedy? If you stab a person in the face and they get upset are they allowed to be upset even if you did it to be hilarious? And whilst it is infinitely better not to sink to Joan Rivers’ level, is her face a crime against humanity?