The NYT Is Making Some Changes To The Original Wordle If You’re Wondering Why The Vibe Is Off

A picture of Kim Kardashian looking frustrated at a hard Wordle game.

So, you’ve been playing Wordle pretty much every day for the last couple of months and ever since the takeover, you’re starting to notice the New York Times version has a different feel to it. You’re not alone, and here’s why it’s not quite the same.

If you’re involved in the online discourse around Wordle at all, you’ve probably come across conspiracies that claim the guesses have gotten harder since the New York Times acquired the site. I mean, I personally don’t think “ROBIN” is a wild card but whatevs.

While this particular conspiracy is not confirmed, the New York Times *is* changing the word list for Wordle — apparently to make it easier, not harder.

ABC reporter Michael Slezak first noted something weird was going on within the game when he and his partner guessed different words on Tuesday, yet were both told they were correct.

Enough people responded to his tweet confirming the same thing happened to them that the New York Times emailed Slezak directly to explain the bug.

According to the email, the New York Times is changing the word list of the original Wordle game to remove words that are considered “offensive” or “obscure”. People who haven’t refreshed their browser to the new Wordle site are still getting the old word, while the rest of us are getting the new one.

So no, the New York Times is not purposefully being elitist and making words harder for the well-read of us. BUT, there probably is something to say about how this just feels extremely American, if you want to have that conversation.

Wordle word change.
Don’t worry, we blocked out the spoilers. Image: Twitter @mattgoss_

I don’t know what words in the original list would be considered offensive, but the change to today’s OG word really wasn’t that obscure?

This feels very similar to when American publishers changed the first Harry Potter book’s title to say “Sorcerer’s Stone” instead of “Philosopher’s Stone” because they didn’t think people would know the latter.

Plus, dumbing down Wordle is an odd move for the New York Times considering its crossword app and spelling bee game certainly don’t shy away from obscure words like, ever.

But even then — who cares if someone words are obscure! I, for one, love a challenge, and one of my favourite things about this game is the way I learn new words and expand my vocabulary.

Basically, bring back the OG Wordle, thanks.

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