Will Ferrell: Hollywood’s Second Biggest Eccentric Sports Fan

Having studied Sports Broadcasting at the university Of Southern California, Will Ferrell was set to become a professional sports fan before falling into acting. Despite his Hollywood A-list status, Ferrell has worn his sports love on his sleeve with his dedication to turning up at professional sports matches and acting weird second only to that of dry witted golf enthusiast, Bill Murray. Sure, Ferrall’s Ricky Bobby mantra is “If you’re not first, you’re last“, but there is no shame to playing Larry Bird to Murray’s Michael Jordan

Having starred as a NASCAR driver, a figure skater, and a semi-professional basketballer, Ferrell’s creative choices have been indicative of his passion for sports but it’s in real life that Ferrell has produced some of his greatest sports lols. Check out Will Ferrell’s Top 5 Sports Moments.

1. Will Ferrell’s 2007 Blades of Glory promotional interview on Sports Center is a pretty good starting point for an example of Ferrell’s extreme sports nuttiness. And one of the funniest.

2. When Ferrell came to ESPN’s night of night’s as Jeff Vuvuzela, he provided inspiration to all half-bee/half-men beings across the globe and managed to create 5 minutes of comedy gold from an idea that should have run out of steam after about 30 seconds. Well played.

3. Anyone who’s seen Semi-Pro would be aware that it was only a matter of time before any NBA team with half a sense of humour was going to hand  the mike to Ferrell for the pre-game team announcements. The results were funny and educational. Did you know Luol Deng has a pet dolphin named Chachi or that Derrick Rose‘s favorite movie is The Notebook?

4. Competing against companies willing to fork out massive amounts of cash for air time, and even more on lavish production budgets, Ferrell’s Old Milwaukee 2013 Super Bowl spot was only shown in a few regional areas but became one of the years most talked about commercials. It’s pretty easy to see why.

5. Most recently, Ferrell attended a Lakers game, not as a fan, but as a revered ‘Red Coat’ floor staff member, Ted Vagina. Vigilantly watching the floor, Ferrell eventually takes objection to Shaquille O’Neal‘s court side presence and ejected the future hall-of-famer. Why? Because he could.