WATCH: The Herald Sun Has A Crack At Viral Vids, Reveals ‘The Goon Suit’

If you’ve been following this fine publication for, oh, any longer than a couple of hours, you’ll have noticed we’re not exactly prudes when it comes to memes. Our take: they’re good.
That being said, as purveyors and gatekeepers of some of the internet’s finest japes, goofs and gaffs, we have noticed an unusual trend in the meme economy. 
More and more often, they’re being created by unusual sources: first came the American alt-right movement and its bastardisation of Pepe the Frogthen Australian political parties came along to co-opt Dat Boi. 
Now, there’s another new and baffling player in the easily-shareable online content game: the cutting-edge upstarts over at The Herald Sun. 
Nestled between articles about a new housing development in Melbourne and a fatal car accident, this confusing vid greeted Facebook users this afternoon:
There are several boggling things about this development. The first, of course, is its production value: the amount of effort that obviously went into this pisstake is actually impressive, and it’s worthy of at least a solid smirk.

The fact one of Australia’s most widely-read papers would deign to create original comedic content is also worth pondering. That kinda ties into our final musing on the issue, ’cause you can tell the fine media professional in the clip would actually be 100% down to stash some Stanley in his jacket.

We’ll keep you posted on any further newspaper memery, like the remorseless content fiends we are. 

Source and photo: The Herald Sun / Facebook.