The Sydney Opera House Seal Pup Returned, So Today Wasn’t A Total Write-Off

The world may just be going to absolute shit. Outside of the very real tragedies that seem to befall innocent people more and more often, politicians are now debasing Pokémon to take cheap shots at their opponents, and the howling maw that is Taylor Swift’s personal life is now, somehow, eliciting responses from Australia’s breakfast TV personalities. 

Basically, we all need some brain bleach after the past week. A lil’ something to remind us that there is still beauty and kindness in this curmudgeonly world. Fortunately, when nature isn’t busy fucking somebody up somewhere, it brings us the gift of baby fur seals, and you better believe Sydney Opera House’s fabled bundle of joy returned today to catch some rays. 

A couple of days after making its wondrous debut on the VIP entrance stairs of the Opera House with an older seal, the blubbernugget made itself right at home today without adult supervision. Still, our mate already looks like a seasoned veteran, like nobody could even instruct it how to bask better than it currently is. 

Look at it. 

Look at it. 

A photo posted by @pinkpiggycat on

A photo posted by @pinkpiggycat on

A photo posted by Steph (@shortbread707) on

A photo posted by @kyliejoyce on

According to Instagrammer @carolineofsyd, staff said it’s about two weeks old, and that its older companion is a male. That means the city could once again bear witness to another blessed father-son bonding time, should the bigger ocean doggo make a return. 

We hope so. This planet needs more innocent sunbathing sealife, ya know?

Source: Instagram.
Photo: @shortbread707 / Instagram.