North Korea Outlaws Sarcasm Bc Kim Jong-Un Is Bloody Sick Of All Your Jokes

North Korea has forbidden its citizens from making sarcastic or ironic comments about leader Kim Jong-un, even in everyday conversation, after a few cheeky phrases began circulating among North Koreans.

“One state security official personally organised a meeting to alert local residents to potential ‘hostile actions’ by internal rebellious elements,” a source in the country told Radio Free Asia.

“The main point of the lecture was ‘Keep your mouths shut.’”

Apparently North Koreans have begun saying things like “This is all America’s fault” as a sarcastic joke referring to the fact that senior government officials often blame other countries for things that are happening under the regime. Which is, you have to admit, a solid gag. Gets me every damn time.
Banning dissent is obviously not a new concept in North Korea, but it seems like officials have just cottoned on that citizens are using sarcasm to be rude about the government.
Apparently there has been an increase in acts of dissent in North Korea recently, with anti-government graffiti mocking Kim Jong-un’s regime cropping up in cities across the country.
Source: The Independent.
Photo: Getty Images.