Miley Cyrus’ Fans Abuse Lorde After ‘Royals’ Reaches #1 On US iTunes Charts

Miley Cyrus‘ clearly devoted, clearly deranged fans came in like a Tetanus-laden Wrecking Ball yesterday, upon hearing the news that some Kiwi gal they’d never heard of had put Queen Miley’s power ballad in peril, simply by being awesome and having Royals shoot to number one on the US iTunes charts.

First of all: Lorde, keep killing it, grl; second – maybe we can forgive the haters, perhaps Miley Cyrus’ fans took to hating on Lorde because they were quite literally picking on someone their own size (well, age)?

Lorde expressed her bittersweet news on Twitter, and lamented those pesky death threats by incensed fans who wouldn’t give it a rest and actually think that cursing NZ’s manic pixie dream girl achieves anything:

To name and shame some of the more eloquently worded insults, Lorde did everyone a solid by some passive-agressive retweets:

But when the insults got a bit too much, in swooped Miley Cyrus herself, taming the fire of the trolls. We agree, Miles, why r people so mean???

And here’s our interview with the flawless, literally #1 gal herself:

Lorde‘s debut album “Pure Heroine” drops September 27th, and she tours Australia in October.