Lady Gaga Enjoys Sweet Smell Of Success With ‘Fame’

If you doubt the influence of Lady Gaga‘s personal power brand you better get ready to eat your hat. According to Gaga, her new semen-meets-blood fragrance FAME sold six million bottles in one week, thereby becoming the second fastest selling perfume ever after Coco Chanel.

Mother Monster tweeted about the sweet smell of success to her 29 million+ followers over the weekend:

They say sex sells, but I didn’t know that had anything to do with sexual body fluid…? And kudos to the marketing team for milking this requiem vampire epidemic. But I thought that was all about drinking blood not smelling of it? Nonetheless, Lady Gaga’s now-predictable avant garde approach to… everything… has not only done her major consumer base the Little Monsters proud, but more astoundingly has given one of the enduring style and fragrance icons a run for her money.

She just launched Fame in Paris, where she was met by 7,000 fans at an understated parade along the Les Champs Elysées.

Words by Jacquie Lennon
Photo: Kevin Winter via Getty