Kayser Lingerie Tweets And Deletes Presumptuous Sexist Gaffe

This just in, ladies: if a man invites you over to his house he expects you to put out.  That’s the charmless theory offered by a “Male Insider” who provides the masculine voice of wisdom on the Twitter account for female underwear brand, Kayser Lingerie.  The tweet, in which the #KayserMaleInsider represents his gender as a bunch of presumptuous sexist pigs, said “@kayserlingerie: #KayserMaleInsider If a guy invites you over to watch a movie, you should know what they’re expecting.”

Naturally a person from Kayser with a functioning brain in their skull (instead of an erect penis floating in suspended animation) caught wind of the tweet and deleted it, but not before fast-fingered followers (such as woman of letters, Helen Razer, from whom we procured the image below) had a chance to get a screen grab of the offending post:

I believe the terminology typically used to describe this kind of social media gaffe is something along the lines of: aaaaaw shiiiiiiittt.

Pedestrian is currently tracking down a spokesperson from Kayser Lingerie to make an official comment on the cock up, but after a person complained about the tweet’s content on the Kayser Facebook Page a representative apologised, admitting that the tweet “was obviously inappropriately worded” and that the organisation definitely do not condone the suggestive, chauvinistic or offensive meaning behind the tweet”.

PS For the record, #KayserMaleInsider, some guys just really like watching movies.

Image via Kayser Lingere’s Facebook.