‘House Of Cards’ Mastermind Posts Dead-Serious Call For US Gov To Bin Trump

So, comparisons between U.S. President Donald Trump’s immediately chaotic tenure and House Of Cards aren’t exactly unique. Like, not at all:

Hearing those takes is going to be tiresome for the duration of Trump’s reign, mostly due to the fact that, yeah, the dude is veering on the tyrannical. That being said, if the political drama’s head honcho has his way, Trump may not be in power for too much longer at all.

Beau Willimon, showrunner for the wildly successful Netflix production, has aired his grievances against the president in a full-bodied Tweetstorm. The goal? Convincing Congress to impeach Trump.

With a series of messages referencing Trump’s immigration ban, his wild conflicts of interest, and his generally shitty stance on human rights, Willimon has urged the U.S. government to, you know, do what they’re capable of before the damage becomes too great:

Is it likely that series of messages, blasted into the bad black hole of Twitter, will affect any real change here? Nah.

Still, like the posters above so originally posit, you really do need to pay attention when the guy in charge of weaving fucked political intrigue into captivating telly wants the actual president booted.