Hipster Runoff Apparel

Says CRLS: “I have always wanted to be a †designer’ & create a †meaningful brand.’”

Attention chill bros and bro-ettes our main bro CRLS from The Hipster Runoffs (the bro single handedly responsible for the proliferation of the word “bro”) is expanding his personal brand to include meme-worthy apparel.

The equation is simple. Am Appy tees + Helvetica print + ironic slogan + “I am Spartacus” style mass claimage = post-core, self-referential wearable art pieces that will cause your brain to implode when you wonder “Am I in on the joke or am I the butt of the joke? We’re not entirely sure at this point.

Either way, first he showed his Production skillz and now this? Is there “anything” this boy can’t “do”?

Via HR-Bro