F1’s Daniel Ricciardo Calls Actions Of 9 Budgie-Wearing Aussies “Harmless”

The nine men currently detained in Malaysia for inappropriate and “disrespectful” behaviour at the Sepang Formula 1 Grand Prix have been supported by Aussie F1 driver Daniel Ricciardo
The men did shoeys of beer and stripped down to Speedo briefs emblazoned with the Malaysian flag (all of which were purchased in Australia previous to the trip), rowdily singing ‘Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi’ as Ricciardo won the title. 
The driver has now spoken out in support of the group, saying the arrest is punishment enough. 
“They’ve been arrested, so that already in my books is lesson learned.

I guess when they travel next time they will check the laws for where they go but, for me, there is no reason for anything else to happen.

Obviously, Malaysia has their law and whatever will be, but from my side, personally, they were just enjoying the celebration and obviously it just went a step too far for those laws.

I see it as pretty harmless.”
Malaysian police are considering charging the men with ‘intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of peace’ and ‘public indecency’, which could land them in jail for up to two years according to recent reports. Another potential charge of ‘insulting Malaysia’s national emblem‘ carries a jail term of up to six months. 
While the F1 driver may see the action as “harmless”, Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop has been a bit more critical in her statements:
“They are facing certain charges and what might be seen as a foolish prank or Aussie blokey behaviour in Australia can be seen very differently in another country.”
She also appeared on ‘TODAY, explaining that she has to constantly explain to people that the Australian government can’t “just bail you out” if you flaunt local law overseas. 

We’ll update this story as more information arises. 
Source: SMH.
Photo: @nikasyraaf / Twitter.