EXPECTATION VS REALITY: 13 Humans Whose Hopes Were Shat On By The Universe

PEDESTRIAN.TV has partnered with Youfoodz to ensure your expectations are bloody met for once. Save time cooking by not cooking with their fresh, convenient meals that they deliver fo’ free by heading HERE.

Unlike that of our parents , our expectations of pretty much everything across the board are exceedingly low. Like, lower than Simone Biles‘ ass is to the floor when participating in a limbo at a Fourth of July luau, low. 
Why? Well, it’s human nature to learn from our mistakes, and boy, have we made mistakes. In our defence, however, a lot of those slip ups have been caused by fraudulent assholes far and wide misrepresenting products, as well as OTT advertisements. Oh, and with the advent of fast food, we’re terrible in the kitchen too (why do my cakes never look like those on the ‘Gram?!). 
While most of us are smarter ‘n wiser because of the crappy experiences we’ve had where our expectations haven’t even come close to being met, we can all use a reminder of how far we’ve come every now and again. To do so, we’ve rounded up 13 of the most SHOOK-inducing expectation vs. reality fails to keep y’all on the straight and narrow. 
#1. Tfw kitty gets run over by a bus 🙁
Photo: imgur.

#2. Watch where you’re going. 
Photo: imgur
#3. These boots were made for stumbling, and that’s just what they’ll do.
Photo: imgur
Photo: imgur
#5. So shook I’m buzzing. 
Photo: imgur
#6. Where the bloody hell have you bean hiding?
Photo: imgur
#7. Have your cake and don’t eat it too. 
Photo: Pinterest
#8. Don’t. Want. None. Unless your buns look like they’re meant to. Hun.
Photo: imgur
#9. Sometimes you just need to have a good loaf at yourself.
Photo: imgur
#10. Do you ever feel, like a plastic bag?
Photo: imgur
#11. Talk about drawing the short straw(berry). 
Photo: imgur

Photo: imgur
#13. You wanna pizza me? 
Photo: Youfoodz. 
Bit confused? All good, that last example was meant to throw you (soz-not-soz). 

Too many times have we been catfished by our damn food. Obvi we can’t speak for you, but for us it feels 10 times worse than being catfished by an actual human. Well, thanks to the legends at Youfoodz, you’ll never be catfished again. Their fresh and convenient grub won’t disappoint – what you see and buy is legit what you’ll get. Best of all, they’ll drop it over to your crib fo’ freeeeeeee. Check out their brand spankin’ new menu for this season HERE and say goodbye to being catfished.
Photo: imgur.