Enter Ray-Ban Envision And Have Your Wishes Magically Granted

Forget everything you learnt on wikiHow, the road to making your dreams come is not paved with vision boards and wishful thinking, but rather attractive sunglasses. Ray Ban has launched ‘The Envision Series’, which basically offers people from all over the world the chance to have their vision brought to life (free of charge).

From ‘The Envision Series’ (: Dream it. Share it. Live it. Twist It. Pull It. Bop It.) submissions Ray-Ban will “choose the wildest, most original demonstrations of spirit and authenticity and help turn them into reality. “

It’s actually rather interesting to go through the entries and see what fellow youths from around the world want to do with their lives #anthropology101. To give you an idea of what you’re up against we went through them and found just a few of the people gagging to have their entrepreneurial spirit animals brought into the world:

10/10 would eat.



Then there are the entrants who clearly just want to get Ray-Ban to pay for them to go on holiday/party:

Ben’s vision consists of getting blind on the beach.

And then there were the entrants who have no idea what they’re doing:


You sure do, Aurora from Australia.
You sure do.

Awwww, let Bahia win, Ray-Ban. Give the bro an orange boat! #boatforbahia

Submit your 200 words or less here. The twenty best entries from each state will also win tickets to the Ray-Ban Envision Tour in the closest capital city.

Title image via Ray-Ban