Crack Smoking Mayor Rob Ford Gets Porn Parody For Some Reason

The messy saga that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford found himself embroiled in recently over that teeny tiny allegation that he might have maybe sort of smoked some crack cocaine that one time (and his subsequent admittance of “if it’s ok because I was drunk” guilt) has gotten even messier – literally – with the release of the porn parody that no one needed, wanted, or asked for.

Yep. Woodrocket, the purveyors of fine porno parodies like the recent Game Of Bones, have taken it upon themselves to make a porn parody of a guy who looks like this:


And what hilarious name do you suppose Lee Roy Myers, head honcho of the Woodrocket smut empire and the man who brought us Sex Toy Story, Porks And Recreation, and SpngeKnob SquareNuts came up with for The Rob Ford porno? Brace yourself for the incoming hilarity, the porno is called…

The Rob Ford Sex Tape – A Parody.

Well, that was disappointing.

The video, by all reports (because I swear I haven’t watched it) features about three minutes of a Rob Ford lookalike drinking, smoking unnamed substances and making numerous references to Ford’s many other missteps, before he (or rather, the pornstar playing his man-bits) does stuff with a prostitute for the rest of the half-hour clip.

In an interview with The Daily Dot, Myers explained “Everyone is so excited to see the video of the Mayor of Toronto smoking crack, and whatever other videos the police have in their custody. At, we’re hopeful that one of those videos also has Ford fornicating on them. Ford-icating. We’re not excited to see him naked. We’re just excited to see this bizarre political scandal get more bizarre. And what would be more bizarre than if he had recorded a celebrity sex tape?” What would be more bizarre would be if he didn’t, but an internet porn company pretended that he did, Myers.

Ford now has the backing of both the porn industry and a fictional newsman. Maybe there is hope for him after all.
Via The Daily Dot