61% Of Pedestrians Prefer Kevin Rudd As Prime Minister

So Australia is at a bit of a political impasse at the moment. The respective leaders of the major parties are playing reactionary politics, seemingly plucking decisions out of the air based on whichever direction the populist pendulum happens to be swinging that day. And of course our leaders should govern the country in a way that reflects on what the people what, but wouldn’t you like someone to sack up and make a decision instead of constantly pandering to the public?

In William Golding’s novel Lord Of The Flies the children stranded on the island who join the tribe of choirboy Jack are extremely proactive – mainly because of his strong leadership skills and ability to make decisions. Yes, he ultimately incites them to the torture and attempted murder of their school friends, but at least they have an unhinged preteen psychopath that they believe in.

Right now it’s evident that the majority of you do not believe in Julia Gillard as a good leader of the country. On Friday (16 Sep) we asked you to choose who you would rather have as Prime Minister between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd. The results revealed that Pedestrian readers’ responses reflect the recent poll results (from a poll commissioned by Network Ten) that found more respondents prefer Kevin Rudd as leader of the Labor Party.

From 1,020 votes cast 61% of you would prefer to see Kevin Rudd leading the country than Julia Gillard:

There were quite a few comments in response to the poll. ‘Ben’ said: “[My preferred leader is] Rudd. Couldn’t believe it when he got kicked out, in my opinion the best prime minister in my lifetime.”

‘Michael Chorney’ wrote: “Very, Very unhappy with Julia! Treats us like fools and speaks to us as if we are school children. It is obvious she will do anything to stay in power under the pretense that it’s for the good of the country. We run a small business and the uncertainty created by a PM who has not got her hand on the pulse of the country is worsening by the day. It seems both major parties are out of touch. If the Liberals would only bring back Malcolm Turnbull and Labor bring back Kevin Australia would rise from stagnation.”

‘Hayley Thomas’ said: “Just let the Libs back in. They may be tossers but at least they can run a country.”


Main image by news.com.au
Image by: Scott Barbour via Getty