Super Bowl Advertising Continues With Equal Parts Fumble And Touchdown

With the combined budget equal to the gross wealth of the entire African continent, the Super Bowl XLVIII ‘commercials’ continue to roll on out throughout the games of sport. Of course, none of them can compare to puppy licking the horsey’s nose which makes the eye juices come out but still, worth as watch:

Comical German Engineers x butts x rainbows = SOLD.


Stephen Colbert saying words:

Hard to tell whether this ad for Axe deodorant was made by actual Axe customers i.e. prepubescent boys because WUT? According to the boy geniuses @axe, to achieve “peace in a world filled with war, the greatest weapon is love”. Make love, not war with new AXE Peace™”/Eau de Toilette Post-Year 7 P.E Class.


“Dear Vegetarians, Fuck you. Regards, Jack.” Meanwhile, their mascot is unsettling:


The company that offers small business solutions to building a web site, “because it’s a jungle of web space-building advertisements out there” sure knows how to internet.

Just you watch:

A couple more of the “Crash the Super Bowl” contest entries have been released, with the “winner not only gets Big Game exposure, but also the opportunity to work on the set of the next Avengers movie.”

Haha ha, look at him, look at his stupid orange face:

Worth watching for Ostrich squint. Do want as .gif:

Some random brand has given poor old, out of work, Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus and the rest of the “Peanuts” gang a paying gig. Does seem like a bit of a cheat to use the National Anthem at a time when American Patriotic Boners are raging but whatever, it’s a stirring animated 30 seconds.

The ad is called “Dad’s Sixth Sense” and it’s all about how Dad is there to save the day in any number of situations:

What even? Coca Cola, babe. No. As a liquid made entirely out of sugar and sugar bubbles you need to step away from the sports advertising. Your cans have no right to be anywhere in the proximity of the fit young bodies of Foobaw.

Y’all are actually insane. Even if you were “There Since the First Halftime”, as the name suggests, putting a can of soft drinks in the hands of people who can successfully fitness doesn’t quite ring true.

What is this? Arnie? What is this hair? Who? What? When? Where? Apparently more will be revealed in due time.

They also released this Don Cheadle one, which makes approximately the same amount of sense. Abstract Artvertisement.


SQUEE! He’s so d*rn fluffy and silly and polite and look at his chubby butt! Can’t:


Tumblr/everyone’s favourite gal pal, Anna Kendrick, stars in the ad that everyone has been putting in your newsfeed.
10/10 would befriend: