Mick Fanning And Carissa Moore Surfed The Shit Out Of Bells Beach (/Won)

World surfing champ Mick Fanning (more like Mick Fanging-Around-Winning-Things)(( ¯_(“~)_/¯)) has defeated fellow Aussie bro Taj Burrow to win the RipCurl Pro at Bells Beach. “That last nine minutes was so nerve-wracking,” said Fanning, “I went for waves thinking they were going to be good and they weren’t. Then I turned around and saw Taj on one and thought ‘oh no, what’s he going to do?’ And then it didn’t work out for him. I’m just so happy.”

YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSS. Dominate that wave, you magnificent human surfboard!

Elsewhere (the same beach, though), world number one Carissa Moore won out in the Rip Curl Women’s, beating Australian Tyler Wright. The winners ringing the shit out of the Bells bell:

Title image by AFP via Getty