The Matildas Players Have Had Astronomical Growth On IG Because Y’All Are Thirsty

After the incredible efforts of the Australian football team at the FIFA Women’s World Cup the whole country has gone coco loco for the Matildas. Almost overnight these history-making players have become household names with the likes of Hayley Raso, Mary Fowler, Katrina Gorry and Mackenzie Arnold lauding uproarious affection from the public.

In a surprise to literally nobody, the insatiable appetite for the Tillies has translated into huge growth numbers for the girls on social media with plenty of the players gaining huge followers on Instagram. You guys are fkn thirsty for Tillies content and I do not blame you. Not one bit.

Football content churners Keep Up have stacked up the stats and tallied just how many followers each of the Matildas players have gained on Instagram and the figures are eye-watering.

Mary Fowler has notched up a 466% growth, clocking 222K followers while Mackenzie Arnold has seen a 424% rise in her follower numbers taking the overall count to 221K. Queens on the rise, we do love to see it.

The hot stats keep on coming with Clare Hunt, Katrina Gorry, Kyra Cooney-Cross, Hayley Raso and Caitlin Foord all boosting their accounts thanks to their epic efforts on the pitch.

Sam Kerr had a 127% increase taking her follower count to 1.7million which is a lot of fans whichever way you slice it, TBQF.

This huge growth on social media might seem trivial but it actually speaks to quite a significant change happening in this country. The rise in fame of the Matildas on Instagram further legitimises their standing as powerful sports stars – positions that have previously been commonly assigned to male athletes. People do watch women’s sport, people will invest in their favourite female athletes and this growth on social media firmly cements a powerful movement that has long been overdue.

Now, if you’ll excuse me I need to get back to watching Caitlin Foord fancams.