A Sex Expert (Sexpert?) Has Revealed How Often Couples Should Be Rooting To Be Truly Happy

tiktok sex expert couples intimacy

TikTok is a place to learn many a thing and this instalment of Shit I Learned On My Doomscroll is all about how often a couple should be having sex to keep each other happy in their relationship. As an extremely single woman, this clearly interests me and definitely isn’t making me over-analyse every past relationship I’ve had. Anyway, moving on!

Per 9Honey, sex expert (or sexpert, if you will) Dr Bat Sheva Marcus drilled into the details of how much a couple should be getting down and dirty in a recent TikTok. Don’t stress that you suddenly have to turn into a tantric marathon rooter overnight, it’s actually a pretty reasonable amount of throwing a leg over.

“The truth is, every couple is different,” she said.

“But I will tell you this. A study finally came out a few years ago — a long-term, large study — which suggested that the happiness level goes up by the couples until it hits once a week.

“After couples start having sex up to one time a week it levels off. Their happiness level levels off.”

Dr Bat Sheva Marcus acknowledged that this is an average for all the couples who were part of the extensive study, and that some still prefer to bump uglies multiple times a week.

“The reality is, is that at least once a week seems to keep most couples happy,” she said.

She said that in her own personal experience with clients as a sex therapist, once it starts to slip back to once every other week or less, that’s when the cracks start to show.

So I guess if you don’t want to go the way of hapless romantic Mr Bean when his girlfriend Irma Gobb dumps him on Christmas day because he’s not attentive enough, then maybe find the time to hop on the good foot and do the bad thing more often.

Hell, put it in your shared calendar if you have to — we shouldn’t have to tell you twice.