It’s Official: Millennials Don’t Want To Fuck As Much As Our Parents Did

According to a new trend piece in The Washington Post, millennials no longer want to fuck.

Yes, you read that right – us ‘sex-crazed millennials’ who ‘can’t get off Tinder‘, not even for ‘Grandma’s funeral’, are apparently just not into doing the sex anymore.

It’s sad, but true. None of us want your love junk in our fun spunk. We don’t want your moaning or your boning. No, THANK YOU [insert hot person of choice], but no sex for us today, or in fact, ever. Millennials have stopped boning… and it’s not even a ‘baby boomer conspiracy’ to force our ‘terrible generation’ to end with us.

If this feels wildly out-of-touch with your own sexual experience, then you, our sadly sexually active friends, are behind the times.
Just ask Noah Patterson. He’s your average 18-year-old American who enjoys porn and video games, but has chosen not to waste his time on something as frivolous as losing his virginity.

“I’d rather be watching YouTube videos and making money [than having sex],” he says. “[Sex] is not going to be something people ask you for on your resume.” 

You are not wrong there, Noah.
Or you can ask Leo Fusco. He’s a 25-year-old construction worker who equates sex with food (we’re with you here), in that he’s only vaguely curious about things he’s never had.

“I’m curious on a physical level, like I’m curious about how a new sandwich would taste, but it’s not like a driving curiosity,” he said.
Not THIS guy, Joey.

Now here’s where the research comes in: a new report published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour said that 15% of 20- to 24-year-olds have not had sex since turning 18 (up from 6% in the early 90s), and a 2015 report said that millennials have a lower average number of sexual partners than our free-loving, economy-ruining parents (8 vs 11).

According to the experts, the reasons behind the increasing desire to abstain range from the excellent (female empowerment to say no to sex; a general consensus of being less accepting of pressured sex) to the depressingly familiar (high pressures to succeed; the unrealistic expectations of physical perfection as encouraged by dating apps and social media).

But for Noah, at least, another slightly more… how should we say this… lurks on misogynistic forums-type reason has emerged.

From the Washington Post: Meanwhile, in efforts to counteract hookup and drinking culture, some campuses have begun instigating “yes-means-yes” rules stipulating that each step of a sexual encounter requires verbal consent.

For some, staying away altogether can feel less treacherous. That is Patterson’s takeaway. “Third-wave feminists seem to be crazy, saying that all men are participating in this rape culture.”

Ah yes, that old cock-blocker: consent.

And if Noah’s experience with the identifying and dismantling of rape culture means he’s chosen to abstain from sex for a while, then truly, this is a tragedy of our times.

Source: The Washington Post.

Photo: The Lonely Island (‘I Just Had Sex’) – we’re aware of the irony.