I Looked Up Foot Fetish Porn For A Lol But Now It’s The Only Thing That Gets Me Off

foot fetish

Feet are topsaroo. They help us stand and they help us walk, which is cool. Feet, you’re alright with me!

However, much like you (probably), I’ve never understood foot fetishes. I was first introduced to them in that Sex And The City episode where the shoe store clerk gave Charlotte free shoes for letting him touch her feet. He totally ejaculated in his pants when he did. I was pretty confused by that scene as a twelve year old.

I was reintroduced to them when I was 23. I had sex with my favourite rapper (35 y/o male) who seemed way more interested in taking off my socks than my bra. I didn’t understand why. I told him I should probably leave my socks on because I had been at a festival all day and night and my feet probably didn’t smell that great, plus I didn’t have a pedicure. He was supremely disappointed by this information but was polite enough to fuck me anyway. Nice guy.

I was never a hater, but if you had asked me a couple of months ago, I would have said foot festishs are pretty much as random as finding a sticky tape dispenser sexy, but I guess I kinda understand that too.

foot fetish
Shiny, sticky, curvy, thick and hard.

But as a daily mazzer (A mazzy star, if you will), I have learned that some nights your run-of-the-mill porn just won’t do it for you. It happens. Threesomes? Can be a yawn. Anal? A total snore. Hand job under the dinner table? Always effective but that’s beside the point. You have to be open minded and willing to expand your horizons. One night I decided to see what all the foot fuss was about.

First video was just a naked girl on the bed, feet in the air. To me, it felt less like porn and more like a life drawing class. I went back to hand job compilations.

But I tried again the the next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. I stared at the feet intensely week after week, like I was training myself. Trying and waiting to get a lady boner.

Then one day I was watching a standard porno but couldn’t stop myself from looking for feet in every shot. All a sudden, I understood.

foot fetish

The plumpness and curve of the toes. The arch of the feet. The shine of the fucking french pedicure (my god). The soft smooth pale skin underneath the foot. The ANKLES, the fucking HEEL. Damn baby. I had been sucked into foot fetishes like a toe to the mouth and I could not believe I hadn’t seen it before. I wanted a foot on my face pronto, but corona restrictions said “no”.

The government, to me.

For those of you who will ask if I get turned on looking at my own feet. Yes, I do. I’m extremely sexy and cannot help it.

Foot fetish porn is somewhat diverse, but here are the main three categories.

1. Literally Just Feet

I find these the most interesting. These are for your hard core foot fetishists who don’t need any other stimuli. I am not there yet. I still need an ass to stare at in conjunction with the feet. The people who watch these videos could get a better orgasm than you’ve ever had in your life just from the sandal section in a Big W catalogue alone. Videos often include foot massaging, feet tickling (perhaps with a feather), using people as human foot rests or simply just people taking off shoes and exposing their goods to the camera. They almost always wave them in the air. This porn is surprisingly super safe for work, so go right ahead. It’s almost like you are watching invisible porn. Fluffy sandals and frilly socks are essentially the lingerie of the foot world and make common appearances.

2. Feet Fucking

It is what it is. When someone fucks a foot. I’ve seen male and female genitalia tackle a foot. Again, it’s a little hardcore for my innocent eyes but it’s out there and I thought I’d let you know about it.

3. Just Right

If I were Goldilocks, I would say that ‘literally just feet’ porn isn’t enough for me, but ‘feet fucking’ is too much for me. I like to sit comfortable with a nice bowl of normal porn but with upturned feet always visible in the camera. It’s wholesome, and gives porn that extra kick (literally). A little toe sucking can go on here and I’m honestly not mad about it.

So I’m not paying random ladies on the internet for feet pics yet, but feet are definitely being incorporated into my porno routine from here on out. Keep and open mind, an open heart and enjoy the rest of isolation. I’ll leave you with some feet gif’s to jumpstart your new sexual interest.

Sorry if this one is a little in the deep end.
That’s better.
